Florida is definitely the place of all the uncertainties of election. In a new development reminiscent of the us presidential election of 2000, the authorities of this state have ordered that Thursday, a counting at hand to determine the winner of the election to the Senate, with the result being still too snug, even after you have already counted millions of ballots.
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The republican candidate in the Senate, Rick Scott quickly declared, once again, the victor, without waiting for the conclusion of the recount ordered by his own authority, since it is currently the governor of Florida. In addition to the Senate race, the winners have not yet been able to be reported in several elections, including that for the important office of governor, more than a week after the elections on November 6. But for days, the president, Donald Trump says that his foals republicans have won, ranting without providing any evidence of a “fraud” of the democrats. Whatever happens, the republicans will keep their majority in the Senate in January. But if the headquarters of Florida is finally in the hands of the democrats, their advance will be initiated.
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on Wednesday, Rick Scott had already been received by the winner by the republicans on Capitol hill, even as his opponent democratic senator Bill Nelson, has not conceded defeat. “Our State must move forward”, launched on Thursday Rick Scott in a press release, stating that the new automatic countdown had dug his advantage. But this one, however, remains very small, approximately 12.600 voice, a 0.15 point difference. That is less than the threshold of 0.25 points, which, according to the law in Florida, automatically triggers a new counting manual ballots issues. That is to say, those in which voters seem to, after a first observation, having selected too many or not enough boxes. This count must be made by 18 November. The election authorities must certify the results on November 20.
Ron DeSantis, republican candidate for the governorship. SAUL LOEB/AFP
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The authorities of Florida have also ordered a new skinning manual in several local elections, but not for the governor, also hotly contested. The republican Ron DeSantis displays 49,59% against 49,18% for democrat Andrew Gillum, the first candidate black to this function in Florida. Is still 0.4 percentage point difference at the end of the new automated counting, which was completed on Thursday at 15h. But Andrew Gillum is refusing to concede defeat. “Tens of thousands of votes still to be counted”, he wrote in a press release, without specifying what newsletters he was talking about. The authorities have not declared a winner. They will wait there too on November 20 to communicate the results certified official of this election.
One of the 67 counties in Florida, Palm Beach, suffered from technical problems and could not complete it on time the new counting automatic on Thursday. This county, which leans more on the side democrat, has once again delivered the first results determined last Saturday that the authorities, in accordance with the law. Republicans and democrats are engaged in several arms of the iron court to come out winners in this imbroglio election that reminds us of the crucial role played by Florida in order to decide between George W. Bush and Al Gore during the presidential election of 2000. The process was finally stopped by the supreme Court of the United States. The republican Bush beat the democrat in Florida by 537 votes and won the presidential election.
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