Russian President Vladimir Putin has proposed to extend until 15 September dopolnitelnye payments to physicians and social workers of social agencies, children’s boarding schools, homes for the elderly.
Additional payments will be extended to teachers, psychologists, medical personnel, representatives of social facilities. “They are now working continuously, two-week shifts so as to minimize the risk of transmitting infection and thus to protect the people they have in their care. Payments for such experts are awarded for the period from 15 April to 15 July, I also propose to extend them for another two months — that is, until 15 September,” — said Putin in his address to Russians. These payments will be taken into account for calculation of vacation pay.
the Government will continue to support physicians, “who participated in the fight against the epidemic”, — said the Russian leader. In June, the only direct Federal payments will receive nearly 350 thousand health workers, including more than 71 thousands of doctors, said the President.
10 billion rubles in March and nearly 42 billion in April — as the government has allocated to support physicians, infection-fighting.
In each, there is also local allowances, but from the Federal government doctors across the country, working with coronavirus patients, based on 80 thousand rubles, nurses and medical assistants — 50 thousand. Junior staff — 25 thousand.