to shop online is becoming easier. It is beneficial to online retailers, because almost 40% of spending falls in impulse buying, according to Invesp. At the same time, they need to verify the identity of buyers. But any barriers to transactions are of risk. According to Statista, one in three Americans refused from online purchases if you need to re-enter payment data.
a Possible solution could be the use of biometric data, writes the Financial Times. Fingerprint scanning or individuals not only allows relatively rapid confirmation of payments, but also provides stronger security than passwords.
In the UK 48% of users whose smartphones allow you to pay with your fingerprint, using this feature in 2018, revealed a study by Deloitte. A year earlier there were only 35%. According to Acuity Market Intelligence forecasts that by 2022 biometrics will be used to confirm 1 trillion transactions per year.
the European banking authority (EBA) in June to clarify acceptable methods of verification of online payments include all biometric methods. It is expected that the requirements will come into force by the end of 2020, the British Bank NatWest with Mastercard released in October, the first UK credit card operations which are confirmed by fingerprint scanning. Visa is testing a similar map with Bank of Cyprus.
Children want gifts
don’t forget that thanks to modern technology like voice assistant Alexa from Amazon, online orders can make even small children, writes The Wall Street Journal. And they may not be fully aware of their actions and to order immediately a lot of toys. If parents do not set a PIN or do not have time vauvrayhim back to cancel the order, they may be costly. For example, a five year old girl ordered on Amazon through tablet of his mother’s toys for about $300, which was delivered before the arrival of her parents home. They eventually decided not to return them, and gradually to give in the course of the year. Another five year old child tried to order through clever column Amazon Echo Tesla car, but to his disappointment Amazon sent the pants for Jogging under the brand Tesla.
fingerprint Scanning is the most popular biometric method, but it does not provide complete protection, says FT. Specialists of the Engineering school of the Tendon at new York University with the help of machine learning has developed a technology DeepMasterPrints. She’s cheating on scanners by generating a fake fingerprint similar to fingerprints of many people. Also in 2014, a hacker showed how several high-resolution photos to recreate the fingerprints of the then German Minister of defense Ursula von der Leyen (she is now the President of the European Commission).
Artificial intelligence has learned to write fake news And video to spot the fake from the real is becoming increasingly difficult Media
the Main threat to biometric identification are deepface, says Dean Nicolls of startup Jumio involved in face recognition. the Technology deepfake allows you to fake the voices and images of people that are difficult to distinguish from the real thing. It’s been used in Hollywood for “rejuvenation” of the actors. According to Nikolla, deepface can fool the system to detect faces and voices.
in addition, there is the risk of theft of biometric data. This means that the responsibility for the safety of the information lies primarily at online retailers, banks and payment systems, not the consumer. “With biometric verification, people will not have passwords, so they will not be able to fraudulently”, – quotes FT words McDougall from the Stripe.