
Villagers in Southam are rallying together to raise over £10,000 in order to combat an unauthorized travelers’ site near Cheltenham. The residents are determined to protect the green belt land from development and are seeking funds to hire planning experts to support their cause.

The ongoing planning dispute over the unauthorized use of land in Kayte Lane has sparked a community effort to preserve the environment and wildlife habitats in the area. The proposed transformation of the land into a gypsy/traveler site was rejected by the Tewkesbury Borough Council last year, but an appeal is currently pending.

The green belt land surrounding Southam is not only vital for wildlife and environmental conservation but also plays a significant role in mitigating the effects of climate change. The open meadows and fields help prevent flooding and maintain the village’s unique character.

The Save Southam Greenbelt initiative, led by local residents, aims to ensure that the green belt remains untouched by inappropriate development. Donations are being collected to fund a planning specialist who will work with the parish council to protect the green belt from encroachment.

The initial goal is to raise between £10,000 and £20,000 to support the objection to the unauthorized development on Kayte Lane. Any surplus funds will be held by the parish council for future planning support to safeguard Southam’s green belt.

By supporting the Save Southam Greenbelt initiative, individuals are investing in the preservation of the environment, the enhancement of quality of life, and the conservation of the village’s unique character. Every contribution, regardless of size, makes a significant impact in ensuring that Southam’s green belt remains a source of pride and beauty for future generations.

To read more about the campaign and donate, interested individuals can click on the provided link. The collective effort of the community is crucial in safeguarding the green spaces for the well-being of current and future residents.