Heads of financial departments do not want to keep up with fashion and adopt modern digital technologies. But there is a lot of obstacles. Projects are delayed and do not give the expected effect, because the leadership of the financial service do not have a clear scenario of the use of new technologies, staff lack the skills (or desire to use new technologies) or the company in General, there is the strategy of digitization. Attempts to apply the digitalization of organizational disorder (when the accumulated data is inaccurate, and the business processes are not described) lead to digital confusion.
should Not try to grasp the immensity, and it is necessary to act gradually, with the support of staff and developing a plan of action. Here are four business process in the Finance Department and the accounting Department, which will be more efficient thanks to digital technology.
1. The collection and aggregation of data from different sources. It is possible to instruct robots (RPA). The robot will unload the data from websites or from enterprise systems, converts into a convenient format and stored for further processing. In the Finance Department robots successfully unload and send the Bank statement, making reconciliation, perform control procedures and form of statistical reports. Robots on the market, both foreign and Russian developers. Makes sense to first configure the robot to perform a single process to demonstrate its operation in practice. The cost of a single license of the robot from leading foreign developers is about $6,000 a year. The acquisition is advisable, if your organization has enough routine work for hour download robot.
2. Preparation of management accounts. it is Necessary to clean the data, convert them into a common format, merge the data from different sources and work on visualization. And then a few more RAz repeat all of the above, if management would require the analysis of indicators in other sections. Excel helps, but the possibilities are not endless. To replace Excel came system of Business Intelligence is rapidly gaining popularity in companies of various sizes and in various industries. The most time consuming part of the work will be a description of appropriate indicators, their calculation methodology and data sources. Then for each indicator are determined by the recipients and analytical characteristics. And in the end formed the design of individual screens. Next you need to configure dashboards (visual dashboards) for management. In our experience, companies often set up dashboards for real-time monitoring of receivables, execution of budget revenue targets and expenditures, monitoring Bank account balances, etc.
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