Live “I discover always something new when I look outside. After 1000 times I stay for the beauty of the surroundings to appreciate, even on this grey autumn days.” Sarah lives in a fantastic place: on the Antwerp Scheldekaaien with on one side a view of the Left bank and in the Waasland, and on the other side of the City.

The loft on the second and third floor of this 19th-century building is decorated, can also be seen. “Architect Jo Peeters signed a ingenious design. Everything is there for a specific reason, so certainly not with the intention to fall. So is the corridor to my bedroom from the glass to the light. The glass door in the refrigerator is there in one instant to see what there is and where it is located.”

The biggest strength for me is the timeless nature of the loft


also Read WOONVIDEO. This colorful home is armed against the grey winter

Light and openness play a crucial role. In the middle of the living room there is a large loft and the ceilings of the top floor are up to five metres high. Therefore, you can look from just about every space on the wooden beams that, just as the staircase is authentic. The combination with industrial accents, such as the stainless steel kitchen and the elevator, is particularly successful.