State election in Hesse, Germany to 2018: first voice and second voice,
may All the inhabitants of the state of Hesse reported for at least three months in the state of Hesse and 18 years of age, at 28. October 2018, the new state Parliament in Hesse to choose from.
- state election in Hesse: All the info in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online
As the election system in Hesse, the so-called “personalized proportional representation”, as also of the election is known. Every resident in the state of Hesse has two votes – the first vote and the second vote:
the first voice you can choose the direct candidates from your constituency in the Parliament. According to the principle “All or nothing” moves the candidate from the constituency with the most first votes in the Parliament. All other forfeited first votes. Overall, to be selected in this way, 55 members directly.
the second voice for a party to be represented, to speak out their opinion in the Parliament. Because the number of second votes of a party determines its share of seats in the Parliament and thus the balance of forces of the parties. In advance, the parties create rank lists of candidates. The more second votes a party receives, the more candidates from the list to the Parliament. Another 55 members are in the Parliament.
Overhang and compensation mandates : So that the Seating relationship of the parties corresponds to the result according to the second votes, will be charged the voting shares directly with the mandates. A party receives mandates more directly, as your second vote for a proper Seating relationship is entitled to not expire, this will direct mandates. The party then receives a so-called overhang mandates and receives more seats than it should according to the second votes. So this is not the result of the election is falsified, shall send the other parties also have more candidates in the Parliament – so many, until the forces for money (“compensation mandates”).
5-percent-hurdle : a party may not be represented in the Parliament, it must reach at least five per cent of all votes cast.
popular vote : in addition to the state election you will also get another ballot for several referendums. It’s about a total of 15 Amendments to the Hessian state Constitution (pattern PDF).
city of Fulda
Frequent questions concerning the Hesse-choice, 2018
I Must with the First and second of the same party vote to choose? Yes, with the first vote to select the candidates from your constituency and the second a party vote.
How many crosses am I allowed to do? you may not agree to make two crosses – one at the first vote, and one in the second.
I May take up the cell phone in the voting booth? Yes, but you can leave it in the pants pocket and do not take photos.
What should I be aware of when the letter choice? The letter choice, you must documents no later than 26. October 2018 (13 hours) with your local municipality to apply for – better a few days earlier. You must be so submitted that they are received on the election day not later than 18 at the authority. Please note the delivery times of Deutsche Post.
when is there first results? From 18 o’clock there is an initial forecast and in the course of the Evening back to the bills. The latest news and results in our Live Ticker.
Where can I follow the election night on TV? From 17.30 in the ARD and the HR reports on the election.
- Who do you choose? Try the Wahl-O-Mat.
- the Hesse-choice,: letter to apply for election, so it goes
survey in the state of Hesse: clap for the CDU and the SPD is threatening to re – Green in the height flight, FOCUS Online/Wochit survey in the state of Hesse: clap for the CDU and the SPD is threatening to re – Green in the height of flight of Hesse state election